Finding Books

African Studies materials can be located by browsing the following call numbers:

DT - History of Africa  [2nd floor]

HC800-1085 - Economic history & conditions, Africa  [2nd floor]

JQ1870-391 - Politics, Africa  [2nd floor]

ML350 - Music, African  [3rd floor]

NL7380-7392.5 - Art, African  [3rd floor]

PL8000-8844 - African languages & literatures  [3rd floor]


Selected Print Reference Books

Print reference books are located on the first floor of Maxwell Library. Selected titles from this collection are listed below:

Finding Articles

There are several ways to search for articles on your research topic:

If the library does not subscribe to the article or journal you need, you can still obtain it by filling out a request through Interlibrary Loan:

Selected Online Journals

Maxwell Library subscribes to many online journals related to African Studies. Selected titles are listed below. Click on the journal title to learn more!

Finding E-Reference Books

Maxwell Library provides access to thousands of e-books, which can be located in a general MaxSearch as well as through specific databases, such as the following: 

Selected Databases