Today's Hours:
All Library HoursCampus Community Guides are an online publication platform through which interested faculty and staff can share and promote BSU campus-related communities and events. This publishing service is provided by the Maxwell Library.
Campus Community Guides are open to faculty to promote and share information about BSU initiatives, departments, programs, groups, communities of interest, and events.
Campus Community Guide content must adhere to Bridgewater State University’s Responsible Use of Information Technology policy and to best practices.
Policy Statement: While Maxwell Library welcomes patrons of all ages, visitors with children should be aware that the library is housed in a busy, multi-use facility. Classrooms, faculty and administrative offices, as well as various service units can all be found in the building. Multiple entries and exits points are located across the site.
Because the library’s primary constituency is the students, faculty and staff of the university, along with visiting researchers from other institutions, we provide a wide range of materials—books, DVDs, journals and other resources—that express a variety of perspectives. Some content and illustrations may be inappropriate for use by children.
Concern for the safety and well-being of children, recognition of the needs of the BSU community, as well as proper stewardship of library resources prompts the following:
Please note that the University’s Responsible Use of Information Technology policy applies to BSU students, faculty, staff and all other users. View the University’s Responsible Use of Information Technology policy.
Library staff members are not expected to act as police officers nor are they expected to search for accompanying adults or determine the ages of children. Any problems we encounter will be reported to Campus Police.
This policy was written in accord with copyright laws, the requirements of test publishers, and AERA-APA-NCME standards (see Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, Cur Lib Ref LB 3051/A693/1999).
Test access in the Educational Resource Center of Maxwell Library is restricted. All test borrowers must present a valid photo ID and must sign our test use policy agreement.
Tests may be viewed by qualified persons only. A qualified person is one who is participating in a BSU assessment or assessment-related class (education, counseling, or psychology). BSU students may be asked to show a current syllabus to demonstrate that they are in such a class. BSU students doing independent research should bring a note from their advisor. Area educators and others who believe they have a valid reason to view the tests should discuss their situation with a member of the ERC staff. In all cases, non-BSU affiliates will need to bring documentation from their employer or school that demonstrates their need and qualifications.
* An exception is made for BSU faculty only. BSU faculty members who wish to do an in-class demonstration of a test may arrange in advance to borrow a test overnight or for a limited period of time, as agreed.
The Maxwell Library is grateful for the support of alumnae/i and friends. Your monetary and in-kind gifts help the Library meet the needs of our students, faculty, and community.
Monetary Gifts
Your unrestricted, current-use gifts to the Maxwell Library enable the Dean of the Library to focus your generosity where it can have the greatest impact. For more information about making a gift, please contact the BSU Alumni & Development Office. Advancement staff can answer your questions and explain the powerful impact your gifts can have.
If you already have the information you need, you can easily make your gift online now by going to Please select “Library Development Fund” for your fund designation.
In-Kind Gifts (Books, Journals, and Other Library Materials)
We appreciate your gifts of books, journals, and other Library materials that are appropriate for the Library's collection and curricular-support needs.
In most cases, the Library will accept gifts of books and periodicals only if they fill gaps in already existing collections. Upon receipt, all gift materials become the property of Bridgewater State University and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Those items added to the collection will be processed according to the Library's standard collection management practices.
Gifts offered with conditions related to their acceptance, access, circulation, or use may be accepted only at the discretion of the Dean of the Library in consultation with the Librarians.
The Library cannot provide an itemized list or appraisal of gift material; however, the Library can provide a letter to the donor acknowledging receipt of the gift.
If you are considering an in-kind gift, please contact Kevin Kidd, Dean of the Library, at, or 508-531-1255.
Gifts to the University Archives & Special Collections
Donations to the BSU Archives & Special Collections are welcome and considered on a case-by-case basis. Of special interest are materials related to the history of Bridgewater State University, the Town of Bridgewater, the state of Massachusetts, and the New England region. Gifts of documents, personal papers, photographs, books, manuscripts, and more are often valuable contributions to Archives & Special Collections. For more information, or to discuss donating rare or unique materials, please contact Orson Kingsley, Head of Archives & Special Collections, at 508-531-1389 or
Policy Adopted: August 2022
Intellectual freedom is essential for the development of library collections and services offering diverse perspectives to meet the educational and research needs of the Bridgewater State University academic community. Maxwell Library endorses the intellectual freedom guidelines expressed in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and the Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries as adopted by the Association of College and Research Libraries. These documents provide the basis for the principles listed below.
Policy Adopted: May 2006
The purpose of this policy is to delineate the use of The Ratna Chandrasekhar Information Literacy Center (RCILC) in Maxwell Library at Bridgewater State University. The RCILC Room was designed for use by librarians to offer classroom instruction in library (or bibliographic) instruction, library orientation, research support, or information literacy. It is not intended to be an open-access lab, general-purpose classroom, or meeting room.
The RCILC enables librarians to teach information literacy to groups within the physical library environment, to have ready access to research materials, and to encourage users to become familiar with the wide variety of information resources.
This policy applies to all students, faculty, and staff of Bridgewater State University and to all other users who are authorized to access information technology at Bridgewater State University.
Found items may be turned in to the Library Services Desk on the first floor of the Library. Items considered a potential health risk will be discarded.
At the end of each semester, unclaimed articles of clothing will be discarded or donated to charity, and all print or paper items will be recycled or destroyed.
The owners of mobile phones, laptops, wallets, and other valuable items will be contacted if the owner's name can be determined. At the end of each semester, all lost items such as wallets, BSU ID cards, keys, mobile phones, and other valuable electronics will be turned in to BSU Campus Police.
If you have lost an item and want to see if it has been turned in, please call (508) 531-1392 to speak with a staff member.
Please Note: If you believe you have lost an item elsewhere on campus, you can check with University Police to see if your item has been turned in. Contact the BSU Police Department at 508- 531-1212.
Policy Adopted: December 2024
As an academic library, Maxwell Library’s primary clientele are the students, faculty, and staff of the University. The Library also allows individual members of the community to register to borrow books and to use online databases in person in the Library.
Individuals, 16 years and older, may register for a borrower's card with proper identification, such as a driver's license or other form of state photo ID with current address. All borrowers must register in person. The Library does not allow organizations or groups to register. Once registered, the borrower’s card is valid for one year from the issue date.
Visitors with a borrower’s card are welcome to check out up to 6 (six) items from the library’s circulating collections at one time. This includes books, DVDs, videos, and audio compact discs and cassettes.
Visitors are free to browse and use on-site newspapers, periodicals, reference materials and all other non-circulating items.
To use the library’s online databases, e-books, and online periodicals, visitors must request a temporary guest account (username and password) at the Service Desk by presenting a valid picture ID.
The guest account is valid for the day that it is issued and expires when the Library closes. Guest accounts are available for request 15 minutes after the Library opens and up to 30 minutes before closing. Guest accounts allow visitors to print up to 15 pages free of charge.
There are no Internet filters on any public computer, and all users of university computers must abide by the University’s Acceptable Use policy.
Librarians and staff teach users how to develop research strategies and conduct research inquiries; we guide users into becoming independent researchers and life-long learners. Community visitors who need help with research projects may use the library’s online chat, contact Reference Services (508.531.1394) or the Educational Resource Center (508.531.1304).
Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery Services, and Commonwealth Catalog Services are not available to non-BSU affiliates but may be requested through local public libraries.
At this time, the University cannot accommodate requests for meeting spaces.
Policy Adopted: August 2022
Library Users' Rights and Responsibilities
The Maxwell Library is committed to creating a safe, welcoming space where mutual respect, intellectual collaboration, and active learning find a home on the BSU campus. All library users, librarians and staff share responsibility for maintaining a scholarly environment.
As a library user, you have the right to:
As a library user, you have the responsibility to:
Library users may request assistance from librarians and staff at any time to address disruptive behavior. Library staff will identify themselves as staff members and request that users comply with Library rules. Failure to comply with requests to cease inappropriate behavior or to comply with library policies may result in the staff member asking to see a student ID, asking the user to leave the Library, or removal from the premises or other disciplinary sanctions. University Police may be called to assist if circumstances warrant. Multiple infractions may result in loss of some or all library privileges.
If you have questions or comments about these rights and responsibilities, please contact the Maxwell Library administration (508-531-1255).
The purpose of this policy is to establish standard practices that support classroom instruction and adhere to intellectual property rights outlined in US Copyright Code, especially the TEACH Act and the DMCA.
Where we can obtain the rights to do so, Maxwell Library will stream media required for use in classrooms, for online courses, and as an iterative tool to augment course instruction. Media material that is not required for course content can be placed on Reserves. Streamed content is intended only for students enrolled in courses that instructors have requested such materials. Streamed content can only be made available for student use through an approved University learning management system such as Blackboard. All requests to stream audio and video material will be reviewed on a title‐by‐title basis for copyright compliance.
The Library complies with U.S. Copyright Code (17 USC §1-et.seq.) and other related laws including but not limited to the Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act) 116 Stat. 1758 § 13301and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). 112 Stat. 2860
The streaming media service is available to all Bridgewater State University classroom instructors, both full‐time and part‐time.
When purchasing videos or DVDs for instructional support, Maxwell Library attempts to purchase “educational use” viewing rights or their equivalent. “Educational use” is defined or described by the film distributor, vendor, or individual copyright holder and is usually limited to use only in the classroom and only for instructional purposes. Items purchased with “Educational use” cannot be shown in venues outside of the classroom unless the instructor receives express written permission granted by the copyright holder to do so. The library cannot stream videos and DVDs that are protected by digital encryption or Digital Rights Management (DRM) protocols.
NOTE: There is no single standard for viewing rights. To view the specific rights for any visual media materials owned by the Library, consult the individual bibliographic record in the Library’s online catalog.
VIEWING RIGHTS OUTSIDE OF THE US: Videos are released and encrypted with different viewing rights and playback standards in different regions of the world. Videos that stream in the US may not be viewable by students in other parts of the world. Faculty of students studying abroad should be advised that it may be necessary for students in other countries to obtain a copy of the material that is encrypted for the region in which they reside.
DVDs for which we cannot obtain educational viewing rights may be played in part or in whole in the classroom once per course, provided the classroom is equipped with a DVD player. DVDs that cannot be streamed can also be placed on a 2-hour reserve for student use at the request of the faculty member. Students may check out and view the DVD in room L-123.
VIEWING RIGHTS OUTSIDE OF THE US: Videos are released and encrypted with different viewing rights and playback standards in different regions of the world. Videos that stream in the US may not be viewable by students in other parts of the world. Faculty of students studying abroad should be advised that it may be necessary for students in other countries to obtain a copy of the material that is encrypted for the region in which they reside.
Last revision: September 2021
Please respect other library users’ need for quiet and keep the use of mobile phones, tablets, and similar communication devices in the Maxwell Library to a minimum. Keep the following guidelines in mind:
We appreciate your cooperation in helping to create an environment that is conducive to study and research.
Policy Adopted: August 2022
In response to students’ requests, the Maxwell Library created designated Quiet Zones on the second and third floors of the library.
Policy Adopted: August 2022
Lending Rules:
Faculty/Staff | Students | Community Card Holders | |
Number of Items | 50 total items | 35 total items | 6 total items |
Number of Holds | 25 holds | 18 holds | 3 holds |
General Collection | 120 days | 30 days | 30 days |
CDs & DVDs | 7 days | 7 days | 7 days |
Leisure Reading Collection | 30 days | 30 days | 30 days |
ERC General Collection (Picture Books, Juvenile Fiction & Nonfiction, K-12 Textbooks) | 120 days | 30 days | 30 days |
ERC Test Prep Collection | 7 days | 7 days | 7 days |
ERC Instructional Aids (Kits) | 7 days | 7 days | No Checkouts |
Library of Things | 7 days | 7 days | No Checkouts |
Media Equipment | 7 days | 7 days | No Checkouts |
Books, CDs, and DVDs will automatically renew one time if there is no hold pending.
Some other materials may be renewed upon request.
You can place a hold on print books, DVDs, and CDs:
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us regarding long overdue or lost items. We are here to help you figure out how best to manage the situation. Drop by the Library Services desk on the 1st floor, call 508-531-1392 or email
Maxwell Library staff reserve the right to recall books. When an item is recalled, an email notice is sent informing the borrower of the new due date.
A patron may request a TRACE be placed on material designated as available in the online catalog but not found in the stacks.
Each of the exits from the first floor of the Maxwell Library has a security system to ensure that library materials are properly charged out when they leave the building. When an item is charged out at Circulation Services, it is desensitized, which allows the materials to pass through the alarmed gates without sounding. Occasionally, an item may fail to desensitize or a non-library item might activate the alarm.
If the Security Gate alarm sounds while you are exiting, please return to the Library Services Desk so that Library staff can verify that all library materials are checked out and desensitized. Occasionally, an item may fail to desensitize, or a non-library item might activate the alarm. We will gladly desensitize non-library materials that might have set off the alarm.
Please note: under Massachusetts General Law, c266, s.99 &100, it is a criminal offense to damage or fail to return library property. A library may take legal action against any person who does not return or pay the replacement cost of lost or damaged library materials.
Policy Adopted: August 2022
Maxwell Library encourages a partnership between faculty and librarians to develop its collections of books, CDs, videos and DVDs. Library staff members appointed as liaisons collaborate with faculty in specific academic departments to make recommendations for purchase in their respective disciplines. The Collection Development Librarian coordinates this selection process, ensuring balance of the total collection.
The following factors are considered in selection:
The Library supports the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and the Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries as adopted by the Association of College and Research Libraries.
Faculty may submit requests for purchase to their library liaison using CHOICE cards, the Online Acquisitions Request Form, or book request slips, available by calling x6016. The library also accepts e-mail, lists, brochures, and publishers’ catalogs that provide adequate bibliographic information for verifying requests. The library online catalog should be checked before submitting a request to verify that the item is not already held by the library.
Rush and reserve requests may also be submitted directly to Stephen Weiter, Interim Library Director.
Records for on-order materials appear in the library's online catalog. When placing order requests, faculty may ask for notification. If notification is requested, the Circulation Department will contact the requester when the item has been received and hold it at the Circulation desk.
For additional information about the selection process, please contact Stephen Weiter at 508.531.1255.
Policy Adopted: March 2004
The Maxwell Library provides 8 dedicated group study rooms that can be reserved by BSU students, faculty, and staff. Many of the rooms contain video monitors to accommodate screen casting and collaboration.
Room No. |
Occupancy |
Description & Technology |
L106 |
1 - 2 |
Small room, ideal for individual study and video conferencing. Contains a desk and power access. |
L113 |
2 - 4 |
Audio recording space. Including a PC, digital video camera, projector, microphones, podium, and whiteboard. |
L123 |
2 - 10 |
NEC 65” LED Monitor mounted on a mobile stand; PC, keyboard, & mouse; ScreenBeam screen casting; presentation and video conferencing capabilities, and whiteboard. |
L220 |
2 - 4 |
Sony 55” LED, 4K HDR Monitor mounted on wall; ScreenBeam screen casting; whiteboard. |
L221 |
2 - 6 |
Sony 55” LED, 4K HDR Monitor mounted on wall; ScreenBeam screen casting; whiteboard. |
L222 |
2 - 4 |
Sony 55” LED, 4K HDR Monitor mounted on wall; ScreenBeam screen casting; whiteboard. |
L223 |
2 - 4 |
Sony 55” LED, 4K HDR Monitor mounted on wall; ScreenBeam screen casting; whiteboard. |
L303 |
2 - 8 |
Large whiteboard and power access. |
• Reservations may be made online up to two weeks in advance. An email confirmation will be sent to the person reserving the group study room.
• The maximum time per reservation is 2 hours. Back-to-back reservations are prohibited.
• If there are no other reservations for the room at the time the initial reservation ends, users may visit the Library Service Desk to request an extension of up to two additional hours.
• Maximum weekly use of group study rooms is restricted to eight hours.
• To access the study room, please visit the Library Service Desk to check out the key and any accessories to use the technology in the room. A valid BSU ID Card is required to check out the key and accessories.
• If the group reserving the study room is more than 15 minutes late, the study room will be available for other groups on a first-come, first-served basis.
• The individual who checks out the room accepts full responsibility for any damage incurred while the room is in their custody.
• The individual who checks out the room key and accessories is responsible for returning the them to the Library Services Desk at the end of the reservation. If the key and/or accessories are lost, a $50 replacement fee will be charged.
• Study rooms may not be reserved for semester-long recurring bookings, such as for a class meeting place. If you are faculty and need to find classroom space for your course, please contact the Registrar.
If you have study room needs that fall outside of these policies and guidelines, contact the Library Services Desk (email or call 508-531-1392) and we will work with you to try to find a solution.
Library staff reserve the right to cancel any reservations they deem to be in violation of these policies and guidelines.
Addendum: Individual students may request walk-in use of unreserved rooms on a first-come, first-serve basis. Advance registration is limited to groups.
Policy Adopted: August 2022
Phone: Call us at 508.531.1392
Text: Send a text message to 508.425.4096
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