Bases de datos
- Credo Reference This link opens in a new windowNearly 3.5 million full text articles in 835 reference books from 108 publishers. Includes encyclopedias, atlases, dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, and subject-specific works.
- ARTstor This link opens in a new windowOver two million digital images in the areas of art, architecture, humanities, and social sciences for use in research and teaching. Includes contributions from museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates. Included with each image is descriptive information such as title, creator, date, size, and current location.
- EBSCO Image Collection This link opens in a new windowIncludes over 100,000 contemporary and historical photographs, maps, and flags.
- Films on Demand This link opens in a new windowIncludes approximately 26,000 video titles and more than 250,000 video segments covering a broad range of subject areas including humanities, social sciences, business, economics, science, mathematics, health, and medicine.
- Academic Search Complete [EBSCO] This link opens in a new windowMulti-disciplinary full-text database with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals. Indexes and abstracts more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals.
- European Views of the Americas This link opens in a new windowThis new bibliographic database is a valuable index for libraries, scholars and individuals interested in European works that relate to the Americas. EBSCO Publishing, in cooperation with the John Carter Brown Library, has created this resource from “European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to The Americas, 1493-1750,” the authoritative bibliography that is well-known and respected by scholars worldwide. The database contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750.
- MLA International Bibliography This link opens in a new windowMore than 2.7 million citations, 6,000 journals and series, 1,200 book publishers, and over 372,000 subject names and terms covering literature, language and linguistics, folklore, film, literary theory and criticism, dramatic arts, as well as the historical aspects of printing and publishing. Listings on rhetoric and composition and the history, theory and practice of teaching language and literature are also included.
- Political Science Complete This link opens in a new windowFull text for nearly 700 journals, 330 reference books, and 47,000 conference papers covering political topics with a worldwide focus. Subjects include comparative politics, humanitarian issues, international relations, law and legislation, non-governmental organizations, and political theory.
- Academic OneFile This link opens in a new windowThe premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles for academic libraries from the world's leading journals, this comprehensive resource covers the physical and social sciences, medicine, engineering, the arts, technology, literature, and many other subjects. With millions of articles in both PDF and HTML full-text format and simultaneous, unlimited usage, researchers are able to find accurate, timely information quickly. Gale's InterLink technology intelligently connects contextually-relevant results from your library's eBook collection on GVRL within articles in a user's search results. The Topic Finder tool adds power and depth to searches, allowing students to mine their search results and develop their research focus in ways never before available.
- Gale in Context: Biography This link opens in a new windowMore than 650,000 biographical articles of international figures from every time period and area of study. Content is searchable across more than 170 titles, videos, audio selections, images, and articles.
- Gale in Context: World History This link opens in a new windowWorld History in Context provides information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in world history over 5,000 years from antiquity to the present and geographically around the world from reference books, journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, and audio files.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowMaxwell Library has access to more than 3,500 journal titles across the following five collections: Arts & Sciences I, II, III, IV, and Ecology and Botany I. Subject coverage includes mathematics, philosophy, anthropology, economics, history, literature, population studies, sociology, music, art, law, education, business, botany, and ecology.
- Project MUSE This link opens in a new windowAn interdisciplinary collection of more than 650 high quality, peer reviewed journals designed for institutions acquiring extensively in the humanities and social sciences.
Páginas de web
- Hispanic Digital Library/Biblioteca Digital HispánicaRecursos de la Biblioteca Nacional de España
- Americas ArchiveRecursos de Rice University
- Documents of 20th-century Latin American and Latino ArtDel Centro Internacional de las Artes de las Américas del Museo de Fine Arts Houston
- Historic Mexican & Mexican American PressDe la Universidad de Arizona
Subject Guide

Clement C. Maxwell Library
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