Library Hours


ERC Service Desk

Fall and Spring Semesters

Mon - Thurs 7:45 am - 11:00 pm

Friday 7:45 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Sunday 2 pm - 10:00 pm

Summer Sessions

Mon - Thurs 7:45 am - 11:00 pm

Friday 7:45 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Sunday closed

Please call for hours for recesses, intercessions, and holidays.

Library Hours 508-531-1749

Maxwell Library Event Calendar 

About the Educational Resource Center (ERC)

The Educational Resource Center is a K-12 curriculum library that serves the faculty and students in Bridgewater State University's College of Education.  The center is located on the second floor of Maxwell Library.

Area educators and others are also welcome to come in and use the ERC collections.  Please see our Circulation and other policies.

About the ERC Collections

The majority of the ERC's collection is practical and classroom-oriented and includes:

  • Professional Books in Education
  • Reference Books in Education
  • Frameworks and Curriculum Guides
  • K-12 Textbooks
  • Instructional Aids (kits/games/manipulatives)
  • Media Materials (non-print)
  • Tests (standardized and other) (restricted access)
  • Test Preparation Guides and Workbooks 
  • Children's & Young Adult (C&YA) Books and Magazines
  • Test scoring software
  • Many online databases

Works pertaining to the theory, history, or philosophy of education, as well as those on higher education and school administration and finance, can be found in the library's General Collection (also on the second floor of Maxwell Library).

Floor Plan

Maxwell Library, Second Floor

Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Christine Brown
Educational Resource Center
Maxwell Library, 2nd Fl.
Bridgewater State University
10 Shaw Rd.
Bridgewater, MA 02325

ERC Staff

ERC Library Assistants

Christina Walls