Why Do I Need Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) or Research Journals?

Scholarly or academic resources are periodical articles written by subject experts who have conducted research or experimentation in a specific field. Many are written by faculty members or other academicians, discussing topics of recent research. They are often reviewed, refereed or juried by other experts in the field. These articles often contain subject specific language or terminology,  and footnotes and/or bibliographies. The journals are normally printed on non-glossy paper.

Peer-Reviewed: articles written by scholars and reviewed by their colleagues who provide feedback and commentaries to the author prior to publication.

Refereed: Similar to peer-reviewed articles except the author doesn't necessarily know who reviewed the submitted work.

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Education Research Databases

Use the following databases to find research and other articles on topics related to the discipline of education.

  American Psychological Association (APA) Style Guides

Cornell Research Minutes: How to Identify Scholarly Journal Articles


These databases are available to Bridgewater State University affiliates. If you need assistance please contact a Reference Librarian.


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