Overall Content of a Book Review
- The length of book reviews vary. Some are only a few hundred words and others are 10 pages. (Read your assignment or the publishing requirements carefully).
- A book review is not simply a review of the content of the book.
- While content is included the work's purpose and the writer's authority is important too.
- Analysis of a book usually includes a description, evaluation, and information on the quality and importance of the work.
- Many book reports include an introduction, summary, analysis, and conclusion.
Parts of a Book Review
- Include basic bibliographic information: Title, author, date, pages, ISBN (International Standard Book Number), Fiction/Non-fiction, genre, intended audience
- Include the author's purpose for writing the book
- What are the books themes?
- If the work is fiction you may wish to include: main characters, themes, plot, setting, and style.
- If it is non-fiction, is the book accurate, reliable, and authoritative? Does it fulfill the author's purpose?
- Often the review includes a comparison with previous writings on the topic.
- Would you recommend the book? And to what audience?
Book Review Recommendations
Questions to Consider Answering in Your Book Review
- What are the author's main points?
- What are the author's viewpoint and purpose?
- What evidence does the author use to prove his/her/their points?
- How does this book relate to other books on the same topic?
- What is the author's expertise for writing the book?
- What criteria should be used to assess the book?
Books to Check Out
- Book Reviewing byCall Number: PN98.B7 B6Publication Date: 1978
From Cover to Cover by
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