PACADI- Problem, Alternatives, Criteria, Analysis, Decision, Implementation
Problem: challenge or key opportunity |
Alternatives: identification and discussion (3-5 alternatives) |
Criteria: key factors used in the analysis and the impact |
Analysis: brief analysis - how the decision was made |
Decision: solution to the problem |
Implementation: recommendations, competitive reaction, budget, actions, timetable CUBEs Collaborative University Business Experiences |
Classification Systems
- NAICS and SIC CorrespondenceA table to help you determine the North American Industrial Classification System code if you know a company's SIC code, or vice versa.
- Business.govThe Official Business Link to the U.S. Government
- CEO ExpressBusiness and news-related links.
- Glassdoor.comCompany information including salaries, interview questions, and more.
- globalEDGE.Your Source for Global Business Knowledge
- registration required)
- Industry OverviewsRegistration required
- Yelpconsumer feedback
Stocks and Bonds
- Missouri. Secretary of State. Penny Stocks."A Guide for Investors"
Securities and Financials
- EDGAR: Filings with the SECEDGAR site - financial statements that companies filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission. 1994 - present only.
- SEDARSimilar to the USA's EDGAR database, but for Canadian public companies: publicly accessible information and documents filed with the securities commissions by Canadian public companies and mutual funds as well as related third parties.
- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.Laws and rules for protecting investors and maintaining the integrity of the securities markets. Provides quick links to much of the information to accountants, broker-dealers, EDGAR filers, founds and advisers, municipal markets, and small businesses.
- BigCharts.Historical, and current investment charting and research.
- Massachusetts Labor and Workforce Development.Statistics on unemployment and labor in Massachusetts.
- Statistabasic statistics are free.