Search Tips
To find books on biological sciences, you may search the Library's online catalog, browse the biological sciences collection shelves, or look at the library's New Titles List.
Books of biological sciences are shelved on the the third floor. Their shelf numbers (or call numbers) start with QH, QK, QL, QM, and QR. You can also do a virtual bookshelf browsing using a call number search in the library's online catalog by entering one of the shelf numbers.
If you do not know what to look for, start a subject search with one of the following headings:
- Natural History (General) (QH1-278.5)
- Biology (General) (QH301-705.5)
- Evolution (QH359-425)
- Genetics (QH426-470)
- Ecology (QH540-549.5)
- Cytology (QH573-671)
- Economic Biology (QH705-705.5)
- Botany (QK1-989)
- Plant Anatomy (QK640-707)
- Plant Physiology (QK710-899)
- Plant Ecology (QK900-989)
- Zoology (QL1-991)
- Invertebrates (QL360-599.82)
- Vertebrates (QL605-739.8)
- Animal Behavior (QL750-795)
- Morphology (QL799-799.5)
- Anatomy (QL801-950.9)
- Embryology (QL951-991)
- Human Anatomy (QM1-695)
- Human Embryology (QM601-695)
- Microbiology (QR1-502)
- Bacterial (QR75-99.5)
- Immunology (QR180-189.5)
- Virology (QR355-502)
Selected E-Reference Books
Selected Print Reference Books
- All Things Darwin : An Encyclopedia of Darwin's World byCall Number: Ref QH31.D2 A7894 2007
- The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution byCall Number: Ref QP34.5 .M24 2005
- The Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology byCall Number: Ref QH575 .D55 2007
- A Dictionary of Plant Sciences byCall Number: Ref QK9 .C67 2006
- The Dictionary of Virology byCall Number: Ref QR358 .M34 2009
- Grant's Atlas of AnatomyCall Number: REF QM25 .A38 1991Philip Welleris the past-executive director of the Great Lakes United Coalition in Buffalo, NY. In 2003, he was appointed the Executive Secretary of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River.
- Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia byCall Number: Ref QL7 .G7813 2004
- Microterrors : the Complete Guide to Bacterial, Viral, and Fungal Infections that Threaten Our Health byCall Number: Ref QR56 .H27 2004
- World of Microbiology and Immunology byCall Number: Ref QR9 .W675 2003
Search the Library Catalog
Maxwell Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System. To locate your book in the General Collection look at the first letter of the call number. If it begins with the letter A-L, it will be on the second floor. If it starts with the letters M-Z, it will be on the third floor. Reference Books and periodicals are located on the first floor and may not be checked out.