This research guide is focused on helping you to find resources for this class. Since the class combines dissimilar subjects, using resources in print and online material may require searches combining a focus on aspects of both chemistry and art.
- A to Z Journal ListA to Z listing of print and electronic journals and newspapers
- Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery ServiceBSU faculty, librarians, administrators, students and staff may use Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Services (ILL/DDS) to request materials not found in the Maxwell Library collections.
Library Hours
Mon - Thur.: 7:30 am – 11:00 pm
Fri.: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Sat.: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Sun.: 12pm – 10:00pm
Online Databases
These databases require a BSU login.
For the best results, combine terms with "and," such as painting and chemistry
- Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson) [EBSCO] This link opens in a new windowA database focused on art. This database has a limited license. If you cannot access it, try again later.
- ScienceDirect College Edition This link opens in a new windowA full text database. Remember to use AND when searching, such as archaeology AND chemistry
- Academic Search Complete [EBSCO] This link opens in a new windowA general database. Many of the articles are available full text. If not, click on Link Source for other options in locating the full text. Results may be narrowed by date, types of sources, subject, and geography.
- Nexis Uni (formerly: LexisNexis Academic) This link opens in a new windowA general database that includes articles from newspapers worldwide. Try the Easy Search first. Then select newspapers. Results are by relevance, but can be changed to publication date.
Other databases can be located from the Library Home Page under Find Articles in Databases.
Guide Editor
Clement C. Maxwell Library
(508) 531-2893