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Donating Materials to Maxwell Library

Maxwell Library welcomes donations of print and non-print materials for our collection. The Library evaluates all gifts with the same guidelines used for purchased materials. Only those items that support the curriculum will be added to the collection. Material that is outdated, in poor condition, or does not support the curriculum of Bridgewater State University may be discarded or donated to another institution.

We ask that you fill out a Gift Form with your donation. We can provide this form at the time of donation, or you may download the form.

For further information on donating materials, please contact Kevin Kidd, Dean of the Library, at, or 508-531-1255.

Donating to Archives & Special Collections

Donations to the BSU Archives & Special Collections are considered on a case-by-case basis. Of special interest are materials related to the history of Bridgewater State University, the town of Bridgewater, the state of Massachusetts, and the New England region. If you are interested in donating rare or unique material (such as documents, photographs, books, manuscripts, or more), please contact Orson Kingsley, Head of Archives & Special Collections, at 508-531-1389 or

You may download the Deed of Gift form, or we can provide this form when you donate to Archives and Special Collections.