- Everyday adjustments in Havana : economic reforms, mobility, and emerging inequalities byCall Number: HN210.H33 B37 2018
- The Brazil reader : history, culture, politics byCall Number: F2521 .B768 2019
- Troubled memories : iconic Mexican women and the traps of representation byCall Number: PQ7123.W6 E88 2018
- Dancing Bahia : essays on Afro-Brazilian dance, education, memory, and race byCall Number: GV1637.S35 D36 2018
- Urban Latin America : inequalities and neoliberal reforms byCall Number: HT127.5 .U683 2017
- Latinx literature unbound : undoing ethnic expectation byCall Number: PS153.H56 R63 2018
- More money, more crime : prosperity and rising crime in Latin America byCall Number: HV6171 .B53 2018
- Making peace in drug wars : crackdowns and cartels in Latin America byCall Number: HV5840.L3 L47 2018
- Venezuela : what everyone needs to know byCall Number: F2321 .T56 2015
- Cultural nationalism and ethnic music in Latin America byCall Number: ML3917.L27 C85 2018
- In search of the sacred book : religion and the contemporary Latin American novel byCall Number: PQ7552.N7 G66 2018
- Historical dictionary of ancient South America byCall Number: F2229 .G54 2018
- Democracy and displacement in Colombia's civil war byCall Number: HN310.Z9 S74 2017
- Ciudad Juárez : saga of a legendary border city byCall Number: F1391.C62 M36 2018
- Cuba : what everyone needs to know byCall Number: F1788 .S955 2016
- Archaeologies of slavery and freedom in the Caribbean : exploring the spaces in between byCall Number: HT1071 .A73 2016
- Labor politics in Latin America : democracy and worker organization in the neoliberal era byCall Number: HD6530.5 .P67 2018
- Art and myth of the ancient Maya byCall Number: F1435.3.R3 C45 2017
- Architecture and empire in Jamaica byCall Number: NA809 .N45 2016
- Afro-Latin American studies : an introduction byCall Number: F1419.N4 A394 2018
- Music of Latin America and the Caribbean byCall Number: ML199 .B75 2018
- Becoming Brazilians : race and national identity in twentieth-century Brazil byCall Number: F2510 .E25 2017
- Cuba : a cultural history byCall Number: F1776 .W47 2017
- Historical dictionary of El Salvador byCall Number: F1482 .P47 2016 [Reference]
- Latin America and the First World War byCall Number: D520.S8 R57 2017
- The Cambridge history of Latina/o American literature byCall Number: PQ7081.A1 C353 2018
- Creole indigeneity : between myth and nation in the Caribbean byCall Number: F2391.A1 J33 2012
- A companion to Latin American women writers byCall Number: PQ7081.5 .C66 2012
- Mexican literature in theory byCall Number: PQ7154 .M488 2018
- The long road home byCall Number: F1466.7 .L66 2002 [DVD]
- Dividing Hispaniola : the Dominican Republic's border campaign against Haiti, 1930-1961 byCall Number: F1938.25.H2 P38 2016
- Keywords for Latina/o studies byCall Number: E184.S75 K48 2017
- Historical dictionary of Venezuela byCall Number: F2304 .S77 2018 [Reference]
- Daring to write : contemporary narratives by Dominican women byCall Number: PQ7400.5 .D37 2016
- Exile, diaspora, and return : changing cultural landscapes in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay byCall Number: JL1866 .R66 2018
- Reading Rio de Janeiro : literature and society in the nineteenth century byCall Number: PQ9601 .F67 2016
- The resurgence of populism in Latin America byCall Number: JL966 .B365 2017
- The Cambridge companion to Latin American poetry byCall Number: PQ7082.P7 C23 2018
- The Caribbean story finder : a guide to 438 tales from 24 nations and territories, listing subjects and sources byCall Number: Z5984.37.C37 E47 2017
- Caribbean creolization : reflections on the cultural dynamics of language, literature, and identity byCall Number: PM7834.C37 C36 2017
- Toussaint Louverture : a revolutionary life byCall Number: F1923.T69 G57 2016
- American interventions and modern art in South America byCall Number: D639.P7 H47 2017
- Masquerade and social justice in contemporary Latin American fiction byCall Number: PQ7082.N7 W43 2017
- Stories of civil war in El Salvador : a battle over memory byCall Number: F1488.3 .C475 2016
- Supplying salt and light byCall Number: PR9265.9.G6 S87 2013
- Cuban underground hip hop : Black thoughts, Black revolution, Black modernity byCall Number: F1789.N3 S28 2015
- Modern Mexico byCall Number: F1216.5 .H83 2018
- Poets and prophets of the Resistance : intellectuals and the origins of El Salvador's civil war byCall Number: F1488.3 .C45 2017
- Diego Rivera : the complete murals byCall Number: ND259.R5 L75 2017
- The politics of Blackness : racial identity and political behavior in contemporary Brazil byCall Number: F2659.N4 M58 2018=