What is Universal Design?

Universal Design is the creation of products, buildings, and environments that are accessible to all people to the greatest extent possible. According to the Institute for Human-Centered Design (IHCD), it is a "framework for the design of places, things, information, communication and policy to be usable by the widest range of people operating in the widest range of situations without special or separate design."


What is Universal Design Learning?

Principles of UDL according to CAST

  • representation, give various ways of obtaining information and knowledge.
  • expression, provide alternatives for demonstrating knowledge.
  • engagement, encourage learners' interests, offer flexibility, choice, and motivation.

Who benefits from UDL?

  • users with disabilities
  • older users
  • users who speak English as a second language
  • all users

Where is Universal Design for learning applied?

  • physical spaces (including computer and science labs)
  • information technology(including educational software and websites)
  • instruction
  • curriculum
  • services
  • libraries
