Selected Books
Reference books are located on the first floor of Maxwell Library.
Alcohol by
Call Number: General GT2884 |b .P45 2014College Student Alcohol Abuse
Call Number: HV5135 |b .C65 2012Encyclopedia of Drug Policy
Call Number: Reference HV 5825.E494 2011Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, & Recover
Call Number: Reference RC 563.4.E53 2009The Science of Drinking by
Call Number: QP801.A3.D37 2011Under the Influence by
Call Number: PS3563.A9638 U53 2016Publication Date: 2016Fiction
Films on Demand - Streaming Video
Searchable database of video clips on almost any topic.
- Beyond ScienceFeatured video from the database
Search the Library Catalog
Steps to Finding Books
- Search Maxwell Library's catalog. If we don't own the book you want, then:
- Search the Massachusetts Commonwealth Catalog. If the book you want is in the catalog, request it and have it sent to Maxwell Library. If ComCat doesn't have the book you want:
- Request the book through Interlibrary Loan.
- You can also search for books in Google Books or WorldCat. If you identify titles in either one that you're interested in, you can then obtain them using steps 1-3.
Searching the Library Catalog Tips
Some suggested call numbers:
- HV located on the 2nd floor of Maxwell Library.
- RC-RJ : Health and Medicine located on the 3rd floor of Maxwell Library.
Some suggested subjects (do a SUBJECT search for these, rather than a keyword search):
- Alcohol
- Alcoholism
- Temperance
- College Students--Alcohol Use--United States
Reference materials and audio CDs can be found on the 1st floor of Maxwell Library.
Selected Videos & DVDs
These are available the the Maxwell Library circulation desk
- Altered States a History of Drug Use in AmericaCall Number: DVD HV4999.2 .A48 2003
- Politics of AddictionCall Number: DVD HV5825 .C43 2003
- Spin the Bottle Sex, Lies and AlcoholCall Number: DVD HV5135 .S66 2004
- Substance Abuse in the ElderlyCall Number: Video HV5138 .S941 2000
- The Hijacked BrainCall Number: DVD HV5825 .C56 2003
How to Obtain Books from Other Libraries
- Commonwealth Catalog and Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery ServicesBSU faculty, librarians, administrators, students and staff may use Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Services (ILL/DDS) to request materials not found in the Maxwell Library Collection.
Library users may use the Commonwealth Catalog to request books directly from participating Massachusetts libraries.
- Credo Reference This link opens in a new windowAn is an online reference library with dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, and more.
- eBook Collection (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowSearchable collection of e-books and electronic content
- Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library) This link opens in a new windowA database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.