ERC Test Preparation Collection
MTEL Study Guides are available in the ERC.
Use the library catalog search box below to search the ERC Test Prep Collection.
Test Prep materials go out for one week.
The BSU bookstore also often carries the MTEL test study guides, which you can purchase.
Online Links
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (home page)
Determine the Requirements for a Particular License
Subject Matter Test Requirements
Use the chart to determine which subject tests you must take for MA educator licensure.
Find Test Date and Location (check availability)
Register for the Test
Test Preparation Materials and Courses List
NOTE: These are the materials that the Academic
Achievement Center used to make available
- Most of these are fee-based
- Some are held here at BSU
- Go to InfoBear, select Term, then select "Non-credit Educator Test Prep"
- See also BSU's MTEL Preparation Workshops website
- Contact the College of Continuing Studies for BSU registration information.
ERC Contact Info
ERC location: Maxwell Library, 2nd floor
ERC phone #: 508-531-1304
ERC email:
ERC staff:
Christine Brown - Head of ERC / Education Librarian
Christina Walls - ERC Library Assistant
Licensure Information
- Educator Preparation and Licensure Policies and Procedures Information for students about MA teacher licensure.
Studying at BSU
- College of Education & Health Sciences College contact information and a list of all education graduate, undergraduate, and postbac programs offered at BSU.