This guide is intended to help you do research in the field of Psychology. Please contact a Reference Librarian (508) 531-1394 or refdept@bridgew.edu if you need assistance.
Web Resources in Psychology
These are free web resources that anyone can use.
- Classics in the History of PsychologyFull-text documents in the public domain of historically significant writings in psychology.
American Psychological Association (APA) Style Guides
- APA Style ExamplesSample citations and bibliographic entries
- APA Style HelpInformation from the APA website
- KnightCite Citation GeneratorFormats references with user-provided information.
Online Resources
The first three databases on this list can be searched together. Within the database, click on "Choose Databases" and then select the three Psychology databases.
"Full Text Finder" will provide more information about Maxwell Library's subscription to a particular journal. Print journals are located on the first floor of the library and are arranged alphabetically by title.
Use the "References" and "Times Cited Links" in a scholarly journal article or record to find more information about your topic
- PsycARTICLES This link opens in a new windowThis database contains articles from 80 journals published by the American Psychological Association and allied organizations. All articles in this database are peer-reviewed.
- PsycINFO This link opens in a new windowAbstracts and references for articles from professional psychology journals. If you are looking for "peer reviewed" articles be sure to check the limiter.
- Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection This link opens in a new windowThis database provides nearly 575 full text publications, including nearly 550 peer-reviewed titles on topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. If you are looking for "peer reviewed" journals be sure to check the limiter.
- Psychology Collection This link opens in a new windowThis set explores what makes people "tick" from childhood to death. This collection gives individuals a basic understanding of the study of the mind, emotions and how the human mind develops and diminishes over time.
- Psychology JournalsA list of journals in print and electronic format available at Maxwell Library
- Films on Demand This link opens in a new windowSearchable database of digitized films, including hundreds in the field of Psychology.
How do I obtain an article if I have the citation?
- Google Scholar This link opens in a new window
You can enter the title of a journal article into GoogleScholar to find out if it is available in Maxwell Library, and get a direct link to it.
Subject Guide
Clement C. Maxwell Library
(508) 531-2893
Library Hours
Mon - Thur.: 7:30 am – 11:00 pm
Fri.: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
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Sun.: 12pm – 10:00pm
Additional Help
- Basic EBSCOhost TutorialTutorial for using EBSCO Databases
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