
Image of face with puzzle pieces for a brain

This guide is intended to help you do research in the field of Psychology. Please contact a Reference Librarian (508) 531-1394 or refdept@bridgew.edu if you need assistance.

  Finding Books

Maxwell Library Catalog

Advanced Search

Often books are an excellent source of information for certain topics in Communication Studies, a discipline that encompasses a variety of topics, ranging from the study of television and radio, to comic books, to effective communication and classic speeches, to the study of rhetoric. Try the library's online catalog to discover what books BSU owns.

  American Psychological Association (APA) Style Guides

How do I obtain an article if I have the citation?

You can enter the title of a journal article into GoogleScholar to find out if it is available in Maxwell Library, and get a direct link to it.

  Online Resources

The first three databases on this list can be searched together. 

You download the PDF version or see if the article is avalilable onlie. Print journals are located on the first floor of the library and are arranged alphabetically by title.

Use the "References" and "Times Cited Links" in a scholarly journal article or record to find more information about your topic

Library Hours

Mon - Thur.: 7:30 am – 11:00 pm

Fri.: 7:30 am 5:00 pm

Sat.: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Sun.: 12pm – 10:00pm

  Additional Help