Mendeley Desktop

The Old Mendeley Desktop is the downloaded part of the software installed onto your computer. Mendeley Web is the Mendeley website where you can access the web version of your library, edit your profile and search for papers, groups or people. You can also access Mendeley's social features.

With Mendeley Desktop, you can easily organize and search your personal library, highlight and annotate documents, import, cite and sync your works.

How to Use Mendeley Desktop

How to Start Mendeley Desktop

How to Get Started with Mendeley Desktop?

Register for an Account

You will need an account to use Mendeley. You can use any email address to register.

Download Mendeley Desktop

Use the Mendeley Desktop to build and organize your collection of references and documents, which you can sync with the web and mobile versions. Drag & drop PDF files into the Desktop to instantly create references. 

Install the Mendeley Web Importer

Add the Web Importer to your web browser and import references and documents from scholarly databases. 

Install the Citation Plugin

Install the plugin to insert citations and bibliographies into your Microsoft Word 

Instruction for Installing Mendeley Desktop

Mendeley Desktop Key Functions

Add files: You can drag and drop files or folder. You can also add a specific file or folder

The built-in PDF viewer: The built-in PDF viewer allows multiple open documents, highlight, annotate, color selection, Zoom

1. Text select tool Use this tool select text within your document, copy and paste relevant passages, or to apply highlighting.

2. Pan tool – Use this tool to navigate around the document.

3. Note tool – Use this tool to create sticky notes at specific locations within the document.

4. Highlight tool – Use this tool to apply highlighting to text within the document.

5. Color selection – Use this menu to select the currently active color.

6. Zoom – Use these buttons to zoom into and out of the PDF.

7. Sync - Use this button to perform a sync between your library and the cloud for storage.