Finding Books

African American Studies materials can be located by browsing the following call numbers:

E184 - E185.98 [2nd floor] - African American history, biography, and genealogy

... or by searching the library catalog by subject, including the following:

African American arts

African Americans -- biography

African Americans -- history

American literature -- African American authors


  Finding Books

Maxwell Library Catalog

Advanced Search

Often books are an excellent source of information for certain topics in Communication Studies, a discipline that encompasses a variety of topics, ranging from the study of television and radio, to comic books, to effective communication and classic speeches, to the study of rhetoric. Try the library's online catalog to discover what books BSU owns.

Finding Articles

There are several ways to search for articles on your research topic:

If the library does not subscribe to the article or journal you need, you can still obtain it by filling out a request through Interlibrary Loan:

Selected Online Journals

Finding E-Reference Books

Maxwell Library provides access to thousands of e-books, which can be located in a general MaxSearch as well as through specific databases, such as the following: 

Films on Demand Search

Subject Guide

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Library Systems

Selected Databases