Irish Studies
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Primary Sources
- Bobbie Hanvey Photographic Archives collection (a Northern Irish photographer provides a look into people & life in the North of Ireland 1970s-2000s)
- Irish Parliamentary Debates
- National Archives of Ireland – Documents on Irish Foreign Policy
- National Library of Ireland Digital Photographs
- Joyce, Yeats, and Wilde (e-video)
E-Source Materials
- Begging, Charity and Religion in Pre-Famine Ireland
- Brewer’s Dictionary of Irish Phrase & Fable
- The Construction of Irish Identity in American Literature
- Contemporary Irish Women Poets: Memory and Estrangement
- Defying the IRA?: Intimidation, Coercion, and Communities During the Irish Revolution
- Dubliners by James Joyce
- The Emergence of Irish Gothic Fiction: Histories, Origins, Theories
- Focus: Irish Traditional Music
- Great Irish Lives: An Era in Obituaries
- A History of the Irish Short Story
- Myths and Legends of the Celts
- Reading the Irish Woman: Studies in Cultural Encounters and Exchange, 1714–1960
- Prison Policy in Ireland: Politics & Political Imprisonment
- Seamus Heaney: Searches For Answers
Online Sources to Note:
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
Irish Studies Online Journals
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• Éire-Ireland: A Journal of Irish Studies
• Irish Economic and Social History
• Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies
• Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research
• Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Literary Studies
• Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland