New Mendeley Reference Manager

The New Mendeley Reference Manager helps you simplify the tasks of building and organizing your reference library, making notes and annotations across papers, collaborating with others and inserting citations and bibliographies into the papers you’re writing.

It is available as both a desktop and web app:

New Mendeley Reference Manager

Build Mendeley Library

​​​​​​Mendeley Library: Store and search your documents in one place

1.  Add new - You can add new references to your Mendeley library and transfer your library from other reference managers into Mendeley Reference Manager.

2. All References - Select this to return to your personal library in Mendeley Reference Manager.

3. Smart Collections - Mendeley Reference Manager automatically organizes your library into smart collections.

4. Custom Collections - Custom collections offer a way to filter the view of your library.

5. Private Groups - Share documents and references with small teams.

6. Search - Use this field to search your Mendeley library.

7. Notebook - Use Notebook to read, highlight and annotate PDFs and keep all your thoughts across multiple documents in one place

8. Profile - Use this to access your profile page

9. Sync - Mendeley Reference Manager automatically syncs, backing up any changes you make to the cloud.

Mendeley Web Importer

You can import articles from the Internet using the new Mendeley Web Importer.

Mendeley Web Importer is currently supported for Chrome and Firefox:


Citation into Microsoft® Word document

  • Use the Mendeley Cite add-in for Microsoft Word to generate citations and bibliographies