Explore a few of the resources available for faculty interested in incorporating Digital Humanities into the curriculum.
- DML CentralThis collaborative blog and curated collection of free and open resources is produced by the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub, whose mission is to advance research in the service of a more equitable, participatory, and effective ecosystem of learning keyed to the digital and networked era. Located at the systemwide University of California Humanities Research Institute and hosted at UC Irvine, all of the Research Hub’s activities – which include original research, blogs, websites, publications, and an annual conference – are supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning Initiative.
- Digital Humanities Questions & Answers: DH In the ClassroomThis section of the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) Questions & Answers online community-based forum focuses on Digital Humanities in the classroom, with practical advice and collaboration between practitioners in the field.
- Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Practices, Principles and PoliticsThe essays in this collection offer a timely intervention in digital humanities scholarship, bringing together established and emerging scholars from a variety of humanities disciplines across the world. The first section offers views on the practical realities of teaching digital humanities at undergraduate and graduate levels, presenting case studies and snapshots of the authors’ experiences alongside models for future courses and reflections on pedagogical successes and failures. The next section proposes strategies for teaching foundational digital humanities methods across a variety of scholarly disciplines, and the book concludes with wider debates about the place of digital humanities in the academy, from the field’s cultural assumptions and social obligations to its political visions. Digital Humanities Pedagogy broadens the ways in which both scholars and practitioners can think about this emerging discipline, ensuring its ongoing development, vitality and long-term sustainability.
- National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE)The National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) helps liberal arts colleges and universities integrate inquiry, pedagogy, and technology. We work with our member institutions to enrich undergraduate education and strengthen the liberal arts tradition. Established in 2001, NITLE is the key organization for liberal arts colleges and universities seeking to engage students in the unique learning experience that liberal education provides and to use technology strategically to advance the liberal arts mission. Site includes case studies detailing DH projects, community projects, published papers.
- DevDH.orgDevDH (or develop DH) was built to respond to the growing demand for digital humanities training in that area but also as an online repository of training materials, lectures, exemplars, and links that offer best practices to beginner, intermediate, and advanced digital humanists. As a visitor to the site, you’ll have access to a number of presentations, guides, and examples that we’ve created or selected for their contribution to digital humanities as a discipline.
- Digital Humanities: a basic course designed to teach critical thinking skills through understanding mediaMaterial developed by Laura Mandell, Associate Professor, Department of English, Miami University. The site provides course modules for use in college classes that present Humanities methods for thinking critically about how meaning is generated in new, multi-, digital media.
- In Time & PlaceIn Time & Place is a growing library of teaching materials for classroom, distance, or home use focusing on selected topics in American history. Included are not only many traditional reading, map, and photo related resources, but also GIS (Geographic Information System) data and activities as well. These are not pre-packaged lessons; rather collections of resources that teachers can adapt to their own style and specific classroom needs.
- Romantic Circles: PedagogiesResources for teachers and professors of Romantic Studies to help them design and use online materials for teaching. Included are texts that may be downloaded, printed, and reworked for use in coursework.