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Math Community Guide: Math Club Event, 9/19/11

BSU Mathematics Department Events, BSU Math Club, and more

About Math Club

The purpose of the Math Club is to promote the learning, understanding, and enjoyment of mathematics on the Bridgewater State University campus. The Club currently hosts a Game Night annually in the fall and Math Chats annually in the spring.

Students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines are all welcome to join the club!

If you would like to participate, organize additional activities, or help obtain funds please e-mail Sarah Milligan at .


Club Student Officers, 2019-2020

Sarah Milligan, President
Megan Lalumiere, Vice President
Alanna Nucci, Secretary
Savanah Seay, Treasurer


Club Student Officers, 2015-2016
Tameka, Tiago, Yaqin, Jamie, Terry, & Olivia

Previous Advisors:

Dr. Shelley Stahl, 2017-2019

Dr. Laura Gross 2011 - 2015
Dr. Vignon Oussa, 2012 - 2014
Dr. Jacqueline Anderson, 2013 - 2014
Professor Thomas Moore
Dr. Rebecca Metcalf
Dr. Uma Shama

Fall 2011 Game Night


Monday, 19 September, 2011
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
DUNN A (Crimson Hall, East Campus)



Articles About Math Games from Britannica Online:

Library Books on Mathematical Games:

Mathematical Game Websites:

Photo Gallery