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Suggested Journals

Suggested Readings

Harper, S.R. (2012). Black Male Students Success in Higher Education: A Report from the National Black College Achievement Study. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education.
Schieferecke, Roger W.  "Helping Males Success in College Male's Experiences of Mattering and Marginalization." College Student Affairs Journal 31(2): 87-99..
Severians, Sabine. (2012). "Leaving College: A Gender Comparison in Male and Female-Dominated Programs.Research in Higher Education." (53): 453-470.
Spruill, Nicklaus, Joan Hirt and Yun Mo. (2014). "Predicting Persistence to Degree of Male College Students." Journal of College Student Retention. 16(1) 25-48.