Welcome to the Clement C. Maxwell Library
Whether you are here for a semester, a year, or more, this guide is intended to help you find your way around the many resources at the University Library. Librarians and library staff are available to answer your questions and to assist you in finding information.
Library Hours
Fall and Spring Semester Hours
Mondays–Thursdays: 7:30 am–11:45 pm |
Fridays: 7:30 am–5:00 pm |
Saturdays: 8:30 am–4:00 pm |
Sundays: 12:00 pm (Noon)–10:00 pm |
Summer Hours and Special Events can be found on:
Academic Disonesty
Definition: Academic dishonesty is an attempt to misrepresent one’s efforts on any academic assignment or exercise submitted for evaluation.
Customs and laws regarding what constitutes academic dishonesty may be different in other countries. All students at Bridgewater State University are expected to abide by Bridgewater State University's Academic Integrity Policy regardless of what they may have been taught at other institutions.
More information and resources to help you avoid academic dishonesty can be found on our Understanding Plagiarism MaxGuide.
Google Scholar
How to Locate a Book in the Library
Use the Maxwell Library's online catalog to search for books, sound recordings, and videos. You can search by title, author, subject or keyword. When you find the record you need in the catalog you will need location, and the call number, both located at the bottom of the record, in order to find the book on the shelf.
Location Codes
Audio (first floor)
Archives (room 302 - 3rd floor)
Children's books (Educational Resource Center 2nd floor)
DVD Collection (ask at Circulation desk)
Educational Resource Center (2nd Floor)
General Collection (2nd & 3rd Floors)
Leisure Reading (1st floor)
New Books (1st floor)
Special Collections (room 302 - 3rd floor)
Understanding the Library of Congress System
Maxwell Library uses the Library of Congress to classify books. This system uses broad subject categories and subcategories to assign a call number to each book. To locate a book once you have found the call number in the online catalog look at the first letter of the call number. Books in the General Collection with call numbers that begin with the letters A-L will be found on the second floor. Those with call numbers that begin with the letters M-Z will be found on the third floor. For more information about subject categories see this outline from the Library of Congress. If you need assistance please contact a Reference Librarian.
Subject Guide

Clement C. Maxwell Library
(508) 531-2893