Selected Databases
- Academic OneFile This link opens in a new windowThe premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles for academic libraries from the world's leading journals, this comprehensive resource covers the physical and social sciences, medicine, engineering, the arts, technology, literature, and many other subjects. With millions of articles in both PDF and HTML full-text format and simultaneous, unlimited usage, researchers are able to find accurate, timely information quickly. Gale's InterLink technology intelligently connects contextually-relevant results from your library's eBook collection on GVRL within articles in a user's search results. The Topic Finder tool adds power and depth to searches, allowing students to mine their search results and develop their research focus in ways never before available.
- Academic Search Complete [EBSCO] This link opens in a new windowA general-interest academic database which features full text for over 2,300 scholarly (peer-reviewed) journals as well as abstracts and indexing for many additional titles. Note that more than one EBSCOhost database may be searched at the same time via a separate simultaneous search page.
- Business Source Complete [EBSCO] This link opens in a new windowThis database contains full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. Topics covered include marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics.
- D&B Hoovers This link opens in a new windowD&B Hoovers, previously known as OneSource, is a company database. It provides a one‐stop shop for information about companies, executives, industries, and current events related to business. You can use it to find such as company profiles, news, analyst reports, SWOT analyses, executive information, and company financials as well as make custom lists and reports for US and international companies.
More Databases
- Nexis Uni (formerly: LexisNexis Academic) This link opens in a new windowA full-text database, with coverage of numerous newspapers, business periodicals, legal journals and case laws, and medical journals.
Dates of coverage: Varies depending on journal title - Regional Business News This link opens in a new windowFull text for more than 100 regional U.S. and Canadian business publications, including coverage back to 1990. Key resources include newspapers, radio and television news transcripts, trade publications, magazines, and newswires.
- Gale OneFile: Vocations and Careers This link opens in a new windowProvides access to journals and magazines that aid users in researching a vocation, finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career.Includes hundreds of current periodicals, from general career guides to highly specialized industry journals.