Library Service Desk Reference Questions

Basic reference questions, like locating a book in our collection, leading the patron to the library homepage, explaining how to search for a book or article, and then assisting with locating the item, is a great way to teach patrons how to use the library.

If the Service Desk is busy and you have provided users with a starting point or if a question is complex please refer users for additional information.


Some subjects are complex and staff/librarians have to get back to the patron. Users may be referred to a librarian, to the research consultation form, or be given alternative contact information. (Business Card, website)

In CHAT this may require assigning a ticket to another staff member.

Reference Referral

A referral is when you refer a user for a consultation or further information. After conducting a reference interview and providing the user with the information you are able to provide, direct the user to the appropriate department, person, or the consultation form. A referral occurs when one person answering a user's question asks someone else to help with the answer. 

A referral is a method of meeting a user's information needs most effectively by forwarding the question to someone else who may have more knowledge in the area. Some referrals may be in the moment and others may take time for a response.

Contact the office or individual if they are unavailable, provide the user with the contact information or consultation form. 

Remote Interviews

  • Avoid library jargon
  •  Acknowledge the user
  • Ask questions that convey interest in the topic
  • Gather needed information without compromising user privacy.
  • Use appropriate technology to guide patrons through library resources, when possible.
  • Make referrals or suggest that the patrons visit or call the library when appropriate

Methods of Referrals

1. In-person -direct/bring the user to a librarian in the library

2. If a librarian is not currently available you may state, something like

"The librarian seems to have stepped away and is probably helping someone else/is teaching a class/is in a meeting, let me give you their contact information so you can get in touch with them - or you can leave your question with me and I will get it to them"

Additional Contacts

Providing "get in touch information; on web page


Call: 508.531.1394

Text: 508.425.4096

Make a Research Consultation Appointment 

Stop by the Reference Desk (1st floor) for help

CHAT Assign CHAT to another staff member