Naxos Music Library

- Naxos Music Library This link opens in a new windowThe Naxos Music Library is a comprehensive collection of classical music available online. It includes the complete Naxos and Marco Polo catalogs of over 258,000 tracks, including classical music, jazz, world, folk, and Chinese music. While listening you can read notes on the works being played as well as biographical information on composers and artists. It offers streaming access to more than 40,570 CDs with more than 581,000 tracks.
Salem History

- Salem History This link opens in a new windowOnline access to the complete content of the print versions of The Fifties in America, The Seventies in America, The Eighties in America, The Nineties in America, Historical Encyclopedia of American Business, Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1901-1940, Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1941-1970, Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1971-2000, Milestone Documents in American History.
General Music Resources
- American Memory Project Music & Performing Arts Collections (Library of Congress)includes Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, and Irving Fine collections, as well as various sheet music collections and printed ephemera.
- Charles Templeton Digital Sheet Music CollectionOnline repository of over 22,000 pieces of sheet music from Mississippi State University. Browsable by composer, title, or genre.
- Classical Net"the internet's premiere classical music source". Features book, CD, and DVD reviews, and a links database.
- Directory of Music Publishers (Music Publishers' Association)contact information for domestic and foreign music publishers.
- Hymnary.orgContains a collection of scores and online music files for various hymns and hymnals. Users researching can browse by composer or the title of the piece. Not all materials are freely available but there is some full text available.
- IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library:online repository of public domain music scores.
- The LiederNet ArchiveContains an extensive, growing archive of texts to 130,047 settings of Lieder and other art songs (Kunstlieder, mélodies, canzoni, романсы, canciones, liederen, canções, sånger, laulua, písně, piosenki, etc.) and other vocal pieces such as choral works, madrigals, and part-songs, in over 100 languages, with 23,038 translations to English, French, Italian, Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and many other languages
- Loeb Music Library Digital Scores and Libretti Collection (Harvard)includes first and early editions and manuscript copies of music from the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by J.S. Bach and Bach family members, Mozart, Schubert and other composers, as well as multiple versions of nineteenth century opera scores, seminal works of musical modernism, and music of the Second Viennese School.
- Music Treasure ConsortiumProvides online access to the world's most valued music manuscripts and print materials, held at the most renowned music archives, in order to further research and scholarship.
- Performance History Search (Carnegie Hall)A searchable database of the more than 50,000 performances that have taken place inside Carnegie Hall since its opening in 1891.
- Sheet Music Consortiuman open access repository of digitized sheet music from various institutions.
- Sibley Music Library: Public Domain ScoresScores and books in the public domain. Many of these are unique to the Sibley Music Library collection.
- Songs of AmericaOnline collection allows you to explore American history as documented in the work of some of our country's greatest composers, poets, scholars, and performers. Provided by the Library of Congress and includes over 80,000 items.
- The New York Philharmonic Digital ArchivesFocuses on the "International Era" of the Philharmonic (1943-1970). Includes manuscripts, letters, photographs and sound recordings.
- The Sousa Archives: Center for American MusicAcquires and preserves significant archival records and historical artifacts in multiple media formats that document America's local and national music history and its diverse cultures. Includes sound recordings and digitized material.
Sound Recordings
- Live Music Archive (from the Internet Archive)An online public library of live recordings available for royalty-free, no-cost public downloads. Hosts material from trade-friendly artists (those who like the idea of noncommercial distribution of some or all of their live material).
- African-American Band Music & Recordings, 1883-1923From the Library of Congress' Performing Arts Encyclopedia. Includes essays, biographies, sound recordings, and stock arrangements.
Selected Library Catalogs
- WEBSTER: Maxwell Library's online catalogFind books, scores, DVDs, and sound recordings at the Maxwell Library
- Massachusetts Commonwealth CatalogSearch libraries around Massachusetts and pick up your requests at the Maxwell Library (7-10 business days).

- ARTstor This link opens in a new windowOver two million digital images in the areas of art, architecture, humanities, and social sciences for use in research and teaching. Includes contributions from museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates. Included with each image is descriptive information such as title, creator, date, size, and current location.