Selected Articles are available for listening

EBSCO, Gale, ProQuest, and several other major databases have accessible features. These articles and abstracts are generally available in PDF and/or HTML. Many HTML articles have built in listening capabilities or may be read by read-aloud software.; The accessibility of the PDF articles depends upon how the company scanned the articles.

EBSCO - HTML articles in this database have read aloud features, but many articles are not available in this format. Since 2004, EBSCO has been using Optical Character;Reader (OCR) to make PDF articles ADA compliant.

Gale - some full-text articles have listening function.

ProQuest - contains many compliant PDF articles but older articles labeled as "Scanned image PDF" are not accessible.

Credo Reference - hyperlinks allow screen reader users to jump to main content..This database allows you to click on small or large font at the top of the page

JSTOR - image based PDFs are accessible with screen readers. Where tagging is not sufficient, manual tagging can be requested for a limited number of articles.

Lexis Nexis Academic - frames are complex.

netLibrary - difficult to use with a screen reader.

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