Steps to Finding Books

  1. Search Maxwell Library's catalog
  2. If not there, expand your search by clicking "Massachusetts Commonwealth Catalog" to search further. You can have items sent to Maxwell Library or use your local public library card for town delivery.
  3.  Still can't find it, then use Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Services
  4. You can also search for books in Google Books or WorldCat.


Search the Library Catalog

Maxwell Library Catalog

Advanced Search

Maxwell Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System. To locate your book in the General Collection look at the first letter of the call number. If it begins with the letter A-L, it will be on the second floor. If it starts with the letters M-Z, it will be on the third floor. Reference Books and periodicals are located on the first floor and may not be checked out.

Locating Items in Maxwell Library

  • Reference materials and audio CDs can be found on the 1st floor of Maxwell Library.
  • Books in the A-L call number ranges are located on the 2nd floor of Maxwell Library.
  • Books in the M-Z call number ranges are located on the 3rd floor of Maxwell Library.
  • DVDs are located on the first floor of the library near reference.

How to Obtain Books from Other Libraries