State and Local Government Information on the Web
- Mass.govThe official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Cities and TownsLinks to City and Town websites and municipal services
- Town of BridgewaterOfficial Site for the town of Bridgewater
Search Google Scholar
Federal Government Information on the Web
- The White HouseOfficial website of the executive branch of the United States government.
- Congress.govOfficial website of the legislative branch of the United States government.
- Congressional RecordProceedings and debates of the U.S. Congress
- U.S. SenateInformation on current and past senators, legislation, and committees.
- United States House of RepresentativesInformation on current and past representatives, legislation, and committees.
- Supreme Court of the United States.Official website of the judicial branch of the U.S. government.
- SCOTUSblogCurrent Supreme Court information including current cases and recent decisions. This is not a government publication.
- Federal Depository LibrariesFederal Government Publication Depository Libraries in Massachusetts. By law publications in these collections must be accessible to the general public.
- U.S. Government Publishing Office"The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) is the Federal Government’s official, digital, secure resource for producing, procuring, cataloging, indexing, authenticating, disseminating, and preserving the official information products of the U.S. Government."
Other Links
- Government Innovators NetworkPolicy solutions for a variety of topics at all levels of government (state, local, national, international, tribal).
Subject Guide
Pamela Hayes-Bohanan
Reference Department
Clement C. Maxwell Library
(508) 531-2893
Clement C. Maxwell Library
(508) 531-2893