One Button Studio.


Printers and a photocopier are located on the library 1st floor of the Maxwell Library.  Each student has $25.00 each semester set aside for printing. Users must have flex dollars on a BSU card to use the photocopier.

One PC on the first floor of the library has a dedicated scanner.  Additional scanners may be borrowed at the Circulation Services desk.

Study Rooms

Maxwell Library has group study rooms that may be reserved.

Assistive Technology

Two PCs with adaptive technologies and a CCTV are on the first floor of the library across from L113. 

There is also  one designated wheel chair accessible computer station near the reference desk (Most other stations are also wheel chair accessible.)


Bloomberg Terminal - Locations

Ten of the Bloomberg terminals are housed in the new lab, located on the second floor of Harrington Hall. The other two are housed on the second floor of the Maxwell Library.